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World Association of Trainees in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

WATOG logo

The World Association of Trainees in Obstetrics & Gynaecology (WATOG) was founded on the 7th of October 2012 under the auspices of the Federation International of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (FIGO). On that day 51 trainee representatives from 73 countries unanimously supported its founding. Today, three years later, 80 countries are represented in the association.

The association has been divided into six geographical regions: Europe, Asia, Latin America, North America, Africa and Oceania. Every region has two representatives who report to WATOG and whose task is to promote networking within the region and support and the creation of local trainee organizations. WATOG is a platform where trainees can connect, exchange information and learn from one another with a common goal of improving the quality of care and women’s health. Thanks to the individual effort of its voluntary organizing members and the support of few sponsors, WATOG financed the participation of trainees from numerous member countries at the WATOG General Assembly during the FIGO Congress in 2012 and again in 2015. This is an incredible opportunity for trainees from all over the world to meet, exchange ideas, and network. Furthermore, it facilitates the engagement of youth in the future of our specialty.

During the last three years a lot of progress has been achieved. Fifteen countries established national trainee organization. The network is getting stronger via online communication ( and through social media (Facebook, Twitter).

The active members of WATOG keep working to strengthen this network, where every trainee from every country would be able to benefit freely from the exchange of information and collaboration on a global level.

Through this letter we would like to arouse your interest in our project. We are working on a website for educational content that can be easily and freely accessible for trainees all around the world ( Our aim is to become a platform that not only trainees but also senior societies can use to pass information to other young professionals worldwide.

If you would like to know more about our project, please, do not hesitate to contact us at

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