Is progesterone an essential hormonal marker in the luteal phase of a FET cycle ?
Speaker: Elena Labarta, MD, PhD
Elena Labarta, MD, PhD, is a gynecologist specialized in assisted reproduction treatments working in the Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad (IVI) in Valencia since 2005.
She combines clinical practice with research activity, being part of the IVI Foundation team. Dr Labarta is Professor of the MSc in the Biotechnology of Human Assisted Reproduction and Embryology. She is a frequent lecturer.
Moderator: Samir HAMAMAH, PhD
Samir HAMAMAH is a Professor in Reproductive Medicine and head of the ART/PGD Department of University-Hospital of Montpellier, France. He is the President of National University Council in Reproductive Medicine and Medical Gynecology, France, ad head of the INSERM U 1203 ' Human Early embryonic development and pluripotency', France.
He published more than 170 peer-reviewed publications and numerous chapters in books
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