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Join the BSRM Board 2020 - 2023


Join the BSRM Board 2020 - 2023
& attend the General Assembly



During the 43rd BSRM Scientific Meeting (27 March 2020, Crowne Plaza Brussels - Le Palace), the BSRM General Assembly (GA) will be held from 16:00 till 16:30 and will include the election of the BSRM Board for the period 2020 – 2023. Paid up members 2020 are kindly invited to attend.

Candidates (deadline 8 March)

Should you be motivated to have a seat in the BSRM Board, please do not hesitate to candidate by returning the application form not later than 8 March 2020: application form and arranging your BSRM 2020 membership
Start date mandate: Spring, 2020 – End date mandate: Spring, 2023

The BSRM board consists of:

► 2 Clinicians, Dutch-speaking
► 2 Clincians, French-speaking
► 2 Biologists or paramedicals, Dutch-speaking
► 2 Biologists or paramedicals, French-speaking

Functions within the board:

► President
► Vice president
► Secretary
► Treasurer
► 4 members

Agenda of the Annual General Assembly:

► Membership report 2019
► Activity report 2019
► Financial report 2019
► Board elections 2020 - 2023
► Any other business

How to apply for a proxy vote in case you cannot attend the General Assembly

► Only one proxy form is allowed per paid-up attending BSRM member.
► Both members should be paid up BSRM members in 2020.
► Please complete the proxy vote form.



27 mars 2020

labelDans le sujet

Médecine de la reproduction

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