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FOGSI COVID19 - Pregnancy, Fetal Care and Obstetric Anaesthesia


Dear Colleagues,

Greetings from Dr J Balavenkat, President of Asian Oceanic Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine (AOSRA-PM)

This Webinar is done in association with FOGSI (The Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India) and Association of Obstetric Anaesthesiologists - India (AOA India)

Our Academic partner is Smiths Medical India.

We invite you to join with us for a webinar on "COVID 19: Pregnancy, Fetal Care and Obstetric Anaesthesia"

Date: 30th May, Saturday Time: 5 PM IST /  11:30 AM GMT

Please click on the below link now to register and also join

The webinar will have pertinent talks from eminent faculty:

  • Dr Arvind Palanisamy, Division Chief, Obstetric Anaesthesia, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis USA
  • Dr Bhavani Kodali. Maryland, Division Chief, Obstetric Anaesthesia, University of Maryland Medical Centre, USA
  • Dr Lisa Leffert, President, Society of Obstetric Anaesthesia & Perinatology, USA & Division Chief, Obstetric Anaesthesia, Harvard Medical School, USA
  • Dr Jeannie Kelly, Medical Director, Obstetric Inpatient Services, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, USA
  • Dr Mihaela Podovei, Director, Quality Assurance & Improvement, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA.

The expert panellists include

  • Dr Sunil Pandya, Director, Century Superspeciality Hospital, Hyderabad, President Association of Obstetric Anaesthesiologists of India
  • Dr Shunsuke Hyuga, Assistant Professor, Division of Obstetric Anaesthesia, Kitasato University Hospital, Japan
  • Dr Reena Wani, Professor (Addl) & Unit Head, Dept of Obstetrics & Gynecology, HBT Medical College & Dr R N Cooper Municipal Hospital

What to expect from the webinar:
1. Challenges faced in COVID 19 Positive Partuerients
2. Concerns on Fetal Health of a COVID 19 Patient
3. Perinatal well being and care of Newborn born to COVID 19 patient
4. LSCS in COVID Positive patient, the anaesthesia plan?
5. Setting up the labour room, safety measures and starting Labour Analgesia in a COVID 19  Parturient
6. Special concerns and considerations in the Perioperative care of COVID 19 parturient

I take this opportunity to invite all Anaesthesiologists, Obstetricians, Neonatologists and Paediatricians to be a part of this webinar.

Please find attached a flyer for the event

Look forward to meeting you all in the webinar

30 mai 2020

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