The 2nd International Summit on Assisted Reproduction and Genetics
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We are delighted to invite you to participate in the 2nd International Summit on Assisted Reproduction and Genetics in Israel, taking place May 24-26, 2020 in Tel Aviv, Israel.
This international summit is designed to explore new horizons and address the latest challenges in reproductive medicine. The focus will include new genetic discoveries and their impact on pre-implantation genetic testing; markers for embryo development and implantation; fertility preservation; improving ART outcomes; and other promising cutting-edge initiatives.
The summit is expected to attract a global audience.
Please join us for what is expected to be not only an outstanding enlightening international event, but also a unique opportunity to visit and explore one of the most fascinating countries in the world. We look forward to welcoming you to the Summit!
Sincerely yours,
The Organizing Committee
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