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event_seat Congrès

44th BSRM Scientific Meeting

The Virtual 44th BSRM Scientific Meeting takes place on 27 & 28 November 2020.
During this meeting, international and national experts will discuss:
Should we still perform fresh embryo transfers? - Debate
Fertility preservation
The future of ART
► Microfluids: Go with the flow
► BELRAP 2018
Do we need to be afraid of small animals
BSRM membership 2020 included in the registration fee
75 Euro - Clinician, reproductive biologist or other
40 Euro - Paramedical (midwife, nurse, lab technician), resident in training, student or Phd
We encourage you to register as soon as possible and share with us this new experience:
Rubrique/rubriek: 3 (National meetings) : CP 7
Rubrique/rubriek: 6 (ethics & economics): CP 0,5
Your attendance on the virtual platform will be tracked and after the meeting you will be asked to complete an online evaluation form. 
27 - 28 November 2020

labelIn the topic

Médecine de la reproduction


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