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event_seat Congrès

ANNULE - 17ème Congrès Mondial de la Fédération Internationale de Colposcopie & Pathologie Cervicale

Namaste! We welcome you to India, a country steeped in history; with diverse religions, cultures & traditions, living in close harmony. The 29 states that make up India, are treasure troves of history, culture & varied delectable cuisines.

A burgeoning economy in South-East Asia, India wants it’s young, productive population to stay healthy; efforts are on by the government to reduce the large number of cervical cancer deaths. A Call for Action by International bodies, formulating protocols and guidelines for this region will be the highlights of this congress.

A plethora of workshops are planned with a 3600 view of cervical cancer, from “Molecule to Man”. There is something for everyone at IFCPC2020.

Learn, unwind, explore……. don’t miss the experience!


01 - 04 October 2020

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